Monday, 22 November 2010

South Essex College: Learner voice – a 360-degree approach

The Excellence Gateway has just published a case study on South Essex College’s use of ILT and students use of communication tools on C_Space, the College's online environment.

Commissioned by JISC the case study is a report on how the College is making effective use of ILT to improve teaching and learning. One of the main findings of the report is that students are using C_Space to find new ways to promote the learner voice.

"The online tools and increased learner voice are making an impact on the whole college, as tutors and senior management can keep abreast of what is going on and what is wanted by reading students' comments."

You can view the report here.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Heads down!

Whew! It's been a busy time, with requests for work coming from everywhere!

The last few weeks have been full on e-portfolio building. It seems the word is spreading and more and more HE tutors are interested in their students using the e-portfolio pages we've developed to support their students' professional development planning.

It's quite a time consuming process to design templates, add resources and documentation and then build individual pages for whole groups of learners...but we're getting there! Thankfully Sharepoint makes life a little easier and is relatively quick to get the basics in place...alas, my organisational skills (or lack of them) make getting all the e-portfolios finished and in place all at the same time to the tutors' satisfaction a logistical nightmare!

So far we've built new e-portfolios for first year Sports Science students, first year Fashion and Marketing students, first year Photography students and added additional pages to the second year Fashion and marketing students exisitng pages. We've also desingned new templates for the Animation Degree students and the Business Degree students which are almost ready to go into production. After this we have interest in e-portfolios from the Televsion Production and the Engineering degree courses...

...ooooppppsss, sorry, got to keep my head down and get back to work!