As I write this I’m not entirely sure what this site will become and to be honest with you that is part of the point. At South East Essex College we have a long track record of taking the best that ICT can offer and using it to support teaching and learning in a variety of innovative and practical ways. However the tricky thing about technology is that as soon as you get to where you want to be, there’s a new objective just over the horizon.
Naz and I inspect the virtual conference hall
In the last week has been all over the news from Barack Obama to Stephen Fry, Mozilla have announced that a 3D internet is getting closer and a conference took place in Second Life titled "Are virtual worlds the classrooms of the future?" Maybe they are and maybe not, but what is inescapable is that the speed of change in the online world is getting faster and this brings with it new and exciting ways to enrich the learning experience of students.
Our intention is that helps us keep our eyes firmly on the ever-changing future and the opportunities it provides. The site will be a place for us to learn, experiment, research, communicate, play and most importantly receive feedback and ideas from members of the College and wider online community.
Our aim is to be transparent about the use of technology at South East Essex College to support teaching and learning. Here you will be able to find out about current projects we are working on, technologies we are exploring and ideas we are discussing and debating.
We will provide information and resources about our work since 1997 developing one of the largest and most vibrant online environments in Further Education, seeNet our College Intranet.
We also plan to provide access to online versions of our real world buildings in virtual form for future students to find out more about us, and for current students as a place in cyberspace to meet and learn.
You will also be able to interact and explore our new capital building projects both in Southend and Thurrock and we hope this will be an exciting and innovative way for us to consult with you during the planning and construction phases of these projects.
More about all of these ideas as they develop.
Finally, who are we? has been created and is maintained by the Interactive Learning Strategies Team at South East Essex College. As you tour the site you will find lots of active content from team members. Please ask them questions and contribute ideas, they will be delighted to receive them.
Paul Groome
Director of Planning and Resources
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